Dinner At Deviant's Palace ( This Science Fiction Book Club Edition Preceded the British Trade Edition. This Copy Has the Correct First Printing Code (P028) on Page 218 ) Signed at a Local Science Fiction Convention, Gregorio Rivas Has Retired from the Re
Tim Powers, SIGNED UPSIDE DOWN on Title Pg By Author, Meaning You Have Turn Book Around to Read His Signature, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper, DJ Art By Ron Walotsky, Signed By Author Purposely Upside-down - "being a Lefty I Don't Want to D
Dinner At Deviant's Palace ( This Science Fiction Book Club Edition Preceded the British Trade Edition. This Copy Has the Correct First Printing Code (P028) on Page 218 ) Signed at a Local Science Fiction Convention, Gregorio Rivas Has Retired from the Re
Tim Powers, SIGNED UPSIDE DOWN on Title Pg By Author, Meaning You Have Turn Book Around to Read His Signature, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper, DJ Art By Ron Walotsky, Signed By Author Purposely Upside-down - "being a Lefty I Don't Want to D
- Publisher: Ace Science Fiction Books, NY
- Date published: 1985
Ace Science Fiction Books, NY, 1985. HBDJ, 1985, 1st edition THUS, PC, Bookclub edition of the paperback original. Precedes the British hardcover , First Hardcover Edition. F-/NF, Light rub, wear Scuff DJ, Yellow cloth lettered Black spine, Small edge tear Back DJ . Gregorio Rivas has retired from the Redemptionist trade - at 31 he's no longer willing to risk his life rescuing new recruits from the savage religion of Messiah Norton Jaybush. until Rivas sets out to save his long-lost love, in a violent piulgrimage that will take him through the landscape of the damned which is 22nd century California . Signed by Author. First Thus. Hard Cover.
Death of Cenone, The Akbars Dream & Other Poems
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate, with Frontispiece tipped in, Title pg has staining from Frontispiece ?, with Notes Akbars Dream
Death of Cenone, The Akbars Dream & Other Poems
Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate, with Frontispiece tipped in, Title pg has staining from Frontispiece ?, with Notes Akbars Dream
- Publisher: Macmillan NY
- Date published: 1892
Macmillan NY, 1892. HBNODJ, October 1892, stated 1st edition, Green Cloth lettered Gold Gilt Spine, NF+/VG+, AS-IS, NODJ, Cover minor rub, wear & light spotting, 113 pgs + ads, Interior Nice, tight Clean Light Fox,. First Edition. Hard Cover.
Metropolitan Cow, , SIGNED by Author
Written & Color Illustrated Tim Egan, SIGNED & Inscribed by Author with small Cow Drawing, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped, Light Fox margin title pg, Plain Green Endpapers, Illustrations are Watercolor & Ink, reproduced Full color,
Metropolitan Cow, , SIGNED by Author
Written & Color Illustrated Tim Egan, SIGNED & Inscribed by Author with small Cow Drawing, Inner DJ Flap PriceClipped, Light Fox margin title pg, Plain Green Endpapers, Illustrations are Watercolor & Ink, reproduced Full color,
- Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
- Date published: 1996
- ISBN: 9780395730966
Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1996 HBDJ, 1996, 1st Edition, 4th Printing, FINE/FINE-, AS-IS, , Interior nice, Tight Clean ,Rust Red cloth with gold gilt Illustration of Cow on Front & Titled on spine Cvr, DJ Protected clear Mylar , 4to, , Light DJ rub, wear. Signed by Author(s). 1st Edition. Hardcover. Very Good/Very Good.
My Spiritual Diary in Color Dustjacket of Blue & Gold & White, SIGNED By Dale Evans Rogers, Wife of Roy Rogers Tells of Her Christian Faith and How it Has Guided and Sustained Her in Her Career, and in Raising a Beloved Special Child w/ Mental Di
Dale Evans Rogers, SIGNED & Inscribed By Author, Inner Flap Dustjacket Original Price of $2 INTACT, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper, Half Title Page Light Edge Tear
My Spiritual Diary in Color Dustjacket of Blue & Gold & White, SIGNED By Dale Evans Rogers, Wife of Roy Rogers Tells of Her Christian Faith and How it Has Guided and Sustained Her in Her Career, and in Raising a Beloved Special Child w/ Mental Di
Dale Evans Rogers, SIGNED & Inscribed By Author, Inner Flap Dustjacket Original Price of $2 INTACT, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper, Half Title Page Light Edge Tear
- Publisher: Fleming Revell
- Date published: 1956
Fleming Revell, 1956. HBDJ, 4th printing, April 1956, NF-/VG-, AS-IS, DJ light Rub, wear & tiny Chips Tears Edges Extremities, Small Scuff Mark on DJ Spine & Small End Chips, Wear, Blue Cloth with Black Cloth Spine Titled in Gold Gilt, Back DJ light Wear has B/W photo of Dale Holding a Bible. Interior nice tight Clean LIGHT FOX, Wear, 144 pgs,. Signed by Author. Hard Cover.
Playthings Past , contains over 150 photographs of antique toys as well as information on how they were made and information on the studying of antique toys ( yesterdays toys ) A look at traditional toys
Betty Cadbury,, SIGNED & Inscribed by author & dated 1979, Illustrated B/W photos, Half Title pg corner crease, Introduction
Playthings Past , contains over 150 photographs of antique toys as well as information on how they were made and information on the studying of antique toys ( yesterdays toys ) A look at traditional toys
Betty Cadbury,, SIGNED & Inscribed by author & dated 1979, Illustrated B/W photos, Half Title pg corner crease, Introduction
- Publisher: David & Charles,
- Date published: 1976
- ISBN: 9780715371916
David & Charles,, 1976 HBDJ, 1976, 1ST EDITION, VG-/Very Good. Interior nice, tight clean light wear, FOXING, DJ protected by clear Mylar, DJ Light FOX wear NICE Condition, blue-green cloth in jacket. , A look at traditional toys and changing attitudes to toys and the social and economic conditions which influenced their purchase. book on collecting old childrens toys.. Signed by Author. 1st Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good.
250 Views of London ( Two Hundred & Fifty ) Beautiful Pictorial View of Old London. With Coat of Arms in Gilt on Front Cover of This Unusual Historic Record
Author Unknown, Dealer STICKER on Title Page, 250 Black and White Photographs of London,
250 Views of London ( Two Hundred & Fifty ) Beautiful Pictorial View of Old London. With Coat of Arms in Gilt on Front Cover of This Unusual Historic Record
Author Unknown, Dealer STICKER on Title Page, 250 Black and White Photographs of London,
- Publisher: London: Rock Bros Ltd,
London: Rock Bros Ltd,. HARDBACK NODustJacket, Dark Blue Illustrated LEATHER Patterned Cover with Gold Gilt, Around 1890 ? , NF+/VG-, NOJAckeT, SOLD AS-IS, Some light Tiny White Spots Cover & Tears at Spine Bottom & SCUFfINg Spine Edges & Book ExtreMities, 8 1/2 X 11 Inches, Few Slightly Loose Pages. Hard Cover.
FOOTSTEPS OF THE HAWK. By Vachss, Andrew. a Burke Novel One Most Fascinating Male Characters in Crime Fiction.Burke Returns to the Streets of New York
By Vachss, Andrew, SIGNED By Author on Title Page, DJ Design By ChIp Kidd, Author is Lawyer in Private Practice Representing Children & Youths Exclusively
FOOTSTEPS OF THE HAWK. By Vachss, Andrew. a Burke Novel One Most Fascinating Male Characters in Crime Fiction.Burke Returns to the Streets of New York
By Vachss, Andrew, SIGNED By Author on Title Page, DJ Design By ChIp Kidd, Author is Lawyer in Private Practice Representing Children & Youths Exclusively
- Publisher: NY: KNOPF Alfred
- Date published: 1995
- ISBN: 9780679445005
NY: KNOPF Alfred, 1995. HBDJ, Stated 1st Edition, 1st Printing, 1995, F/F-, Light Rub DJ , Black Boards WiTh Silver Eagle & Black Cloth Spine, Lettered oN Spine in Silver Gilt, 238 pgs, . Signed by Author. First Edition. Hard Cover. Fine/Very Good.
Peter Rabbit & Little White Rabbit Wee Books For Wee Folks
Linda Stevens Almond - Illustrated Thruout in Color By J. L. G. , foXing Orange Endpapers & Small Stain Title Page, Color Frontispiece Rabbit Family, FORMER Owner Stamp Back Endpaper
Peter Rabbit & Little White Rabbit Wee Books For Wee Folks
Linda Stevens Almond - Illustrated Thruout in Color By J. L. G. , foXing Orange Endpapers & Small Stain Title Page, Color Frontispiece Rabbit Family, FORMER Owner Stamp Back Endpaper
- Publisher: Platt & Munk Co.,NY,
- Date published: 1925
Platt & Munk Co.,NY, , 1925. HBNO DustJacket, blue decorated cloth lettered in Black light Rub & Wear, 1925, 1st edition, 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 in., Interior nice Tight light Wear & small Margins stains some pages, NF-/NF, NODJ, 64 Pgs . First Edition. Hard Cover.
One Year Abroad. American Travellers Abroad, An account of the novelist's travels through Germany and Austria
HOWARD, BLANCHE WILLIS ( VON TEUFFEL ) Former Owner Name Title page, 1847-1898), aka Blanche Willis Howard von Teufel. She was a best-selling novelist who lived in Germany from 1877 until her death
One Year Abroad. American Travellers Abroad, An account of the novelist's travels through Germany and Austria
HOWARD, BLANCHE WILLIS ( VON TEUFFEL ) Former Owner Name Title page, 1847-1898), aka Blanche Willis Howard von Teufel. She was a best-selling novelist who lived in Germany from 1877 until her death
- Publisher: Boston: James R. Osgood,
- Date published: 1877
Boston: James R. Osgood,, 1877. HB NODustjacket, 1877. First edition. 1st printing dates on title & copyright page Match, NF+/NF-, NODJ, original blind-stamped Maroon cloth , gilt lettering. 16mo, Interior Nice, tight Clean Light FoX wear, Cover light rub, wear stains & tiny Chips Extremities, 247 pages + Ads, Gold Gilt Cover Nice Bright. First Edition. Hard Cover.
Catacombs of Rome, The in Pace ( Includes Vatican & Lapidarian Gallery, Catacombs of Egypt & Paris, Early Christians ETC ) Moderate Number of Full-page Engravings of the Catacombs Throughout This Book Along with a Few Smaller Illustrations. Prov
No Author Listed, Frontispiece with Tissue Guard, Illustrated b/w, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf, Former Owner Name Blank Endpapers & Title Pg in Pencil, Illustrated By Wood Engravings. Two Copies of the Title Page, One in Colour and the Ot
Catacombs of Rome, The in Pace ( Includes Vatican & Lapidarian Gallery, Catacombs of Egypt & Paris, Early Christians ETC ) Moderate Number of Full-page Engravings of the Catacombs Throughout This Book Along with a Few Smaller Illustrations. Prov
No Author Listed, Frontispiece with Tissue Guard, Illustrated b/w, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf, Former Owner Name Blank Endpapers & Title Pg in Pencil, Illustrated By Wood Engravings. Two Copies of the Title Page, One in Colour and the Ot
- Publisher: American Sunday-School Union Publ. Philadelphia
- Date published: 1854
American Sunday-School Union Publ. Philadelphia, 1854. HBNO DJ, 1854, 1st Edition,, Red embossed cloth light rub, wear & tiny chips Tears Extremities, Couple small Chips Spine Area, Titled Gold Gilt Spine, NF/VG-, AS-IS, NODJ, Interior nice condition light Wear FoX, 247 pgs , Appendix, 4 3/4 X 7 3/4 in,. 8 vo, . Two copies of the title page, one in colour and the other in black and white. . Provides a quite interesting history of the Roman catacombs, with information on Christian martyrdom, religious practices and related matters. First Edition. Hard Cover.
Official Inaugural Program January 20, 1969 President Richard Milhous Nixon & Spiro Theodore Agnew, Vice President . ( includes b/w & color Illustrations , excerpts from Nixon’s Acceptance Speech Republican National Convention, photos President’s Ca
stories by Willard Edwards , Vera Glaser, A. E. P. Wall ,ETC ,Illustrated in Color & b/w, with Original price of $2 Intact on Title Pg
Official Inaugural Program January 20, 1969 President Richard Milhous Nixon & Spiro Theodore Agnew, Vice President . ( includes b/w & color Illustrations , excerpts from Nixon’s Acceptance Speech Republican National Convention, photos President’s Ca
stories by Willard Edwards , Vera Glaser, A. E. P. Wall ,ETC ,Illustrated in Color & b/w, with Original price of $2 Intact on Title Pg
- Publisher: NIXON Inaugural Committee Presidential Inaugural Campaign Committee
- Date published: 1969
NIXON Inaugural Committee Presidential Inaugural Campaign Committee, 1969 PBO, 1969, 1st Edition, Oversized WHITE decorated Cvr with gold seal on front has slight wear Soil, , UNPAGINATED , 8 1/2 X 11 in. , Light Wear Rub, VG+/VG, AS-IS, SOFTCOVER , .Includes photos President’s Cabinet, Inaugural week Schedule & Concert, 1969 Inaugural Parade etc. First Edition. Soft Cover.
Dickey Downy the Autobiography of a Bird Phoenix Edition , Illustrated in Color & B/W , includes The Parrot at a Party, DonÂt Johnny, The Indigo Bird, The Orchard, The Prison ETCwith picture of Bird on Front Cover
Virginia Sharpe Patterson, Introduction by Hon. John F. Lacey. Tear to Inner Hinge of Title Page, illustrated in beautiful Color & B/W Drawings by Elizabeth M. Hallowell, Few Illustrations Probably Missing AT pg 64, Pg 160 ? ETC., Blank Endpapers
Dickey Downy the Autobiography of a Bird Phoenix Edition , Illustrated in Color & B/W , includes The Parrot at a Party, DonÂt Johnny, The Indigo Bird, The Orchard, The Prison ETCwith picture of Bird on Front Cover
Virginia Sharpe Patterson, Introduction by Hon. John F. Lacey. Tear to Inner Hinge of Title Page, illustrated in beautiful Color & B/W Drawings by Elizabeth M. Hallowell, Few Illustrations Probably Missing AT pg 64, Pg 160 ? ETC., Blank Endpapers
- Publisher: Philadelphia, A. J. Rowland, Chestnut St, From the SocietyÂs Own Press copyright 1899 by American Baptist Publ Society
- Date published: 1903
Philadelphia, A. J. Rowland, Chestnut St, From the Societys Own Press copyright 1899 by American Baptist Publ Society, 1903 Blank Endpapers few small Marks, Inner Hinges Starting slightly, illustrated in beautiful Color & B/W drawings by Elizabeth M. Hallowell, introduction Hon. John F. Lacey, Mrs Anne Virginia Sharpe Patterson (September 1841, Delaware, Ohio 1913) was an American author, who also wrote under the pseudonym Garry Gaines., Hardback NODJ, Published April 1903 on Copyright Pg, , Stated 1st edition, Phoenix Edition , VG-/GOOD-, AS-IS, NOJACKET, Small format Slighty Soiled ORANGEGOLD Tweed Cloth Hardback Book, with Bird Looking to Left IN RED, TIitles In RED ,192 pages, with ads in back End With A Bible For the Home, , Moderate shelfwear to boards, moderately weak hinges. The text and illustrations are in good shape. 3 3/4 X 6 12/4 in. . 1st Edition. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket.
Babar & Father Christmas , Babar, the King of the Elephants, sets out to find Father Christmas and bring him back to visit the children of the Elephants' country
Jean De Brunhoff, Translated from French by Merle Haas , Red , Grey White Pictorial Endpapers of Grey Elephants in Line Holding Tails with Trunk, Illustrated in Color, Front Listing pg Lists thru Babar comes to America, This title is not listed on Titl
Babar & Father Christmas , Babar, the King of the Elephants, sets out to find Father Christmas and bring him back to visit the children of the Elephants' country
Jean De Brunhoff, Translated from French by Merle Haas , Red , Grey White Pictorial Endpapers of Grey Elephants in Line Holding Tails with Trunk, Illustrated in Color, Front Listing pg Lists thru Babar comes to America, This title is not listed on Titl
- Publisher: Random House , NY
- Date published: 1940
Random House , NY, 1940 HB NODJ, 1940, BLUE Pictorial Boards Cvr of Babar Flying thru Air as Santa holding stocking with Elephants trunk & wicker Basket of toys on His Back, minor rub wear Scuff to spine edges & Cvr Extremities, former owner inscription, VG/VG-, AS-IS, NOJACKET , 11 1/4 X 8 1/4 IN. Small folio, 40 pgs, Interikor nice tight clean Light wear, spine is turquoise with white lettering;. Hard Cover.
Wind At My Back, The The Life & Times of Pat O'brien, in Dustjacket, SIGNED by Author, Hollywood Actor, Crammed with Stories & Anecdotes of the greats & not-so-Greats of Hollywood & Broadway. Days of Hollywoodâs Golden Era. H
Pat O'Brien, SIGNED by Author on Half Title pg, Blank Endpapers Fox Residue edges & FORMER Owner Ink Name & Stamp on back Blank Flyleaf, Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $4.95 Intact. by Himself. Illustrated by 52 B/W Photos
Wind At My Back, The The Life & Times of Pat O'brien, in Dustjacket, SIGNED by Author, Hollywood Actor, Crammed with Stories & Anecdotes of the greats & not-so-Greats of Hollywood & Broadway. Days of Hollywoodâs Golden Era. H
Pat O'Brien, SIGNED by Author on Half Title pg, Blank Endpapers Fox Residue edges & FORMER Owner Ink Name & Stamp on back Blank Flyleaf, Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $4.95 Intact. by Himself. Illustrated by 52 B/W Photos
- Publisher: Doubleday & Company Garden City ,NY
- Date published: 1964
Doubleday & Company Garden City ,NY, 1964 HBDJ, Signed, 1st edition, Early ISSUE, 1964, VG+/GOOD+, AS-IS, DJ light rub, wear Tiny Chips Tears Extremities, Spine DJ ends Tiny Chips Tears Wear ends, Green Tweed cloth Boards with Black Cloth spine with Green Design & with Gold Gilt Titles. Interior nice tight Clean light Wear Fox, 331 pgs. Cvr light rub, wear, 8vo. DJ protected in clear Mylar , His Tours during the War to Front Lines in China. He was Presented to Queen Elizabeth of England. Starred in Movie , I Married a Doctor with Josephine Hutchinson, & played Hildy Johnson in The Front Page movie, Knute Rockne Etc . Signed by Author. 1st Edition. Hard Cover.
Rudolph Valentino The Man Behind The Myth
Robert Oberfirst, Back Brown Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP , Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped, DJ Design By Don Blauweiss, Illustrated B/W Glossy Photos, Bottom Title Page Small Former Owner Stamp
Rudolph Valentino The Man Behind The Myth
Robert Oberfirst, Back Brown Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP , Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped, DJ Design By Don Blauweiss, Illustrated B/W Glossy Photos, Bottom Title Page Small Former Owner Stamp
- Publisher: NY, Citadel Press
- Date published: 1962
NY, Citadel Press, 1962. HBDJ , stated 1st edition, 1962, 1st Printing, OP, Tiny chips edges of DJ & minor rub, AS-IS, VG/VG-, 320 pgs, Thick Black Cloth cvr Titled & Decorated in Gold Gilt on Spine cvr, Interior nicetight Clean light wear fox,. First Edition. Hard Cover.
Baedeker's The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance Handbook for Travellers, 1896, Thirteenth Revised Edition, Wtih Fold Out Map with Pencil Mark, "handbook for Travellers"
Karl Baedeker, with 44 Maps & 24 Plans, with Yellow Endpaper Listing Beadeker's Guide Books Thru Manual of Conversation, Unside Down Writing on Blank Flyleaf with Tape RESIDUE, Money Table Opposite Title Pg, Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracke
Baedeker's The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance Handbook for Travellers, 1896, Thirteenth Revised Edition, Wtih Fold Out Map with Pencil Mark, "handbook for Travellers"
Karl Baedeker, with 44 Maps & 24 Plans, with Yellow Endpaper Listing Beadeker's Guide Books Thru Manual of Conversation, Unside Down Writing on Blank Flyleaf with Tape RESIDUE, Money Table Opposite Title Pg, Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracke
- Publisher: Leipsic: Karl Baedeker Publ, London
- Date published: 1896
Leipsic: Karl Baedeker Publ, London, 1896. Hardback NODustJacket, 1896, Stated 13th Revised Edition, NF-/VG-, AS-IS, NOJACKET, Outer pgs edges Beautiful Marblelized, Interior nice tight clean light wear FOX, Small Red Cloth Embossed Cover Titled in Gold Gilt, Cvr light wear rub, Tiny Tears Bottom SpineCvr, 4 1/4 X 6 1/4 in. 422 pgs, Index .includes Color Maps, Edge tears to Flyleaf . Hard Cover.
Bingo A Novel
Rita Mae Brown SIGNED Inscribed on Title pg
Bingo A Novel
Rita Mae Brown SIGNED Inscribed on Title pg
- Publisher: Bantam Bks, NY
- Date published: 1988
Bantam Bks, NY, 1988. HBDJ, November 1988, 1st edition, 291 pgs, Blue & Green Cloth, VG+/VG+. Signed by Author. First Edition. Hard Cover.
Walter E. Meanwell, , prof. physical education, Inner Hinge starting slightly cracked with Ink Name, WITH Introduction, Illustrated B/W Photos & Drawings, Long crease & wear Title pg
Walter E. Meanwell, , prof. physical education, Inner Hinge starting slightly cracked with Ink Name, WITH Introduction, Illustrated B/W Photos & Drawings, Long crease & wear Title pg, NO FRONTISPIECE
Walter E. Meanwell, , prof. physical education, Inner Hinge starting slightly cracked with Ink Name, WITH Introduction, Illustrated B/W Photos & Drawings, Long crease & wear Title pg
Walter E. Meanwell, , prof. physical education, Inner Hinge starting slightly cracked with Ink Name, WITH Introduction, Illustrated B/W Photos & Drawings, Long crease & wear Title pg, NO FRONTISPIECE
- Publisher: Walter E. Meanwell
- Date published: 1924
Walter E. Meanwell, 1924 HB NO Dustjacket, Bright Blue cloth gold gilt decorated & Titles CVR WITH 5 PLAYERS front cvr 1 holding basketball, 1924, 1st edtion, 1st Printing, Dates Match on title &Copyright pg,Interior GOOD / Cvr VG+, AS-IS, NOJACKET , minor spots on blank endpapers, former owner name pencil, small stain on copyright page, Tape repair on table of contents page & small corner chip on that page, reasonable tight book, Slight rub, wear , FOX interior thruout mainly around pgs edges, 382 pgs, rub too gold gilt on Spine Cvr, some pencil underling on some pgs thruout, Relatively tight Binding ,small dogears some pgs. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket.
Fun & Fiction Book One ( Childrens includes Abdallah or the Magic Rug, Hidden Word, Dotted Circus, Garden of Eden bible Story,AESOP’S FABLES, ILLUSTRATED ALPHABET, Flowers to paint, Hidden Sayings, Cross word puzzles, Editor’s Column, Flags of many Lands
NO AUTHOR & Title & Copyright pg are NOT PRESENT, Inner Hinges started Cracked, Illustrated B/W & Color,
Fun & Fiction Book One ( Childrens includes Abdallah or the Magic Rug, Hidden Word, Dotted Circus, Garden of Eden bible Story,AESOP’S FABLES, ILLUSTRATED ALPHABET, Flowers to paint, Hidden Sayings, Cross word puzzles, Editor’s Column, Flags of many Lands
NO AUTHOR & Title & Copyright pg are NOT PRESENT, Inner Hinges started Cracked, Illustrated B/W & Color,
- Publisher: NONE LISTED
- Date published: 1930
NONE LISTED, 1930 HARDBACK NODUSTJACKET, EARLY VINTAGE, NO DATE, 1930 ? ,NF-/GOOD, NOJACKET, Interior nice tight lightwesr , Fox & some Pencillling, 8 X 5 1/2 IN. Red & Black illustrated Cloth Cvr has corner crease & seated on Bench is girl i outside wearing Dress & Reading a book with Boy Above holding Top Hat on brick wall teasing her with Twig, Titled in black on Front ,INCLUDES Flags of many Lands, Hare & Tortoise ETC.. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket.
Psychism Analysis of Things Existing Essays ( SCARCE ) Includes Study of MacRocosm, Search for Third Element of Universe & of Man ETC
Paul Gibier, M.D., Clear MYLAR Protector TAPED to Endpapers, Inner Hinge Starting TAPE Reinforcement, Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription & Small STAMP, Pencil Notes Half Title Page, Introduction, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpapers
Psychism Analysis of Things Existing Essays ( SCARCE ) Includes Study of MacRocosm, Search for Third Element of Universe & of Man ETC
Paul Gibier, M.D., Clear MYLAR Protector TAPED to Endpapers, Inner Hinge Starting TAPE Reinforcement, Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription & Small STAMP, Pencil Notes Half Title Page, Introduction, FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpapers
- Publisher: BUlletin Publ, NY
- Date published: 1899
BUlletin Publ, NY, 1899. HB NODJ, Stated Second edition, 1899 , Original Beige cloth titled in black at top , Cover light Rub, Wear SUN extremties spine, Interior nice condition light Wear FoX, PENCIL NOTES or Marks here & There & some inner Hinge tape Reinforcement, VG-/VG, NODJ, 277 pgs + Table Contents Back. Hard Cover.