Collectible books on controversial and revolutionary subjects.
La Clase Obrera Frente a la Industrializacion del Pais [Cover title: Mensaje a los Obreros]. SIGNED
Guevara Senra, Dr. Ernesto "Che
La Clase Obrera Frente a la Industrializacion del Pais [Cover title: Mensaje a los Obreros]. SIGNED
Guevara Senra, Dr. Ernesto "Che
Publisher: Cuba Avanza/CMQ
La Habana, Cuba: Cuba Avanza/CMQ, 1960. First edition. Hardcover. Very Good. Small 8vo, original cardstock wraps bound into dark green calf covers, with the title stamped in gilt on the upper board; pp. [3] 4-26 [1]. Original wraps a little creased and slightly soiled, leather boards pristine. SIGNED by Che on the title page, along with the phrase "Libertad or muerte." There is an additional (undecipherable) scrawl in the same ink on the flyleaf. The first separate edition of a transcipt of a talk given by Che Guevara on the television program "Cuba Avanza" on June 18, 1960. Includes what is possibly his first reference to the infamous imperialistic chewing gum ("...hace un momento me... acaban de regalar un chicle"). Provenance available upon request. more
Anuhuac, Mexico : Impresiones Selectas, 1974. Wraps. Fair. From the front cover: "¿Conoce usted la intriga socio-politica de las guerrillas en Mexico? Aqui está la historia." This edition, one of 5,000 printed, (either 2nd or 3rd edition, depending on whether you believe the spine or the cover) contains the section "El Final de Lucio Cabanas". A firsthand account from southern Mexico written by an anonymous writer who claims to have actively participated in the Mexican guerrilla movement, "El Partido de los Pobres". This movement was active from 1967-1974 and consisted of about 300 guerrilas led by Lucio Cabañas Barrientos, whose story and ultimate death is the subject of the 2005 documentary,... "La Guerrilla y la Esperanza: Lucio Cabañas". pp 235, illustrations. 13x20cm. In pale blue pictoral wraps, laminate heat damages and heavily chipped rear panel. Contents brittle with waterstaining to corner but not affecting text, last several pages heavily chipped with missing sections - again, not affecting text. Two previous owner's inscriptions to ffep and markings to the title page in one of the same hands, changing the title to "El [Gran] Camarada" and adding the name "Manuel Antonio Torres" -- possibly the author claiming credit? A scarce item: OCLC lists only 7 holdings.more
This is a soft-cover album complete with 268 trading cards, printed in Cuba after the Cuban revolution of 1952 - 1959. Its 32 pages tell the story of the Cuban Revolution in the trading cards, each of which has an explanatory historical subtitle. The cards include illustrations of Fidel and Raul Castro, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos, Faure Chaumont, Rolando Cubelas, Victor Bordon, Elroy Gutierrez Menoyo, Crescencio Perez, Faustino Perez, Luis Orlando Rodriguez, Efigenio Almejeiras, Hubert Matos, Humberto Sori Marin, Juan Almeida, Raul Chivas, and other leaders as well as many illustrations of the historical events from the start of the revolution until the overthrow of the previous... regime. Produced as an advertising campaign for the Cia. Industrial Empacadora de Dulces, S.A. where the cards came as premiums for the purchase of their products, and the album would have been supplied to the consumers for them to paste the premium cards accordingly. Volume is in wonderful condition- perhaps a touch of soiling and/or darkening to the wrapper, but the pages (wavy from the adhesive for the cards) are still white and supple-almost as new. Size: 11 3/4" x 8 1/2" Oblongmore
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