BookGilt - Search results - Publisher: testimonio-compania-editorial

El Beato De La Seo De Urgel ( S.X )
Prof.Peter K.Klein Publisher: Testimonio Compania... Date published: 2004 Format: Hardcover

The most famous Spanish manuscripts of the high Middle Ages are without doubt the copies of Beatus of Liebana's Commentary on the Apocalypse, not so much for their text but because they were illustrated with outstanding miniatures whose drawings and colours, like those of modern comic strips were intended to bring to life certain passages of the Apocalypse. The name Beatus is that of the original author who was a monk who lived around 800 in the Monastery of St. Martin in the valley of Liebana in Cantabria. Modern critics are of the opinion that Beatus based his central text on the work of the North African Ticonius, adding texts from the Church fathers and St. Isidore. The work is in 12 sections or books, each divided into a Storia and an Explanatio. Later editions were included with texts from Isidore's Etymologies and Jerome's Commentary on the Book of Daniel. The Beatus Commentary on the Apocalypse was well known in Castile and Leon during the10th century, perhaps because of the approach of the end of the millennium which might bring the end of the world which was so well illustrated in the pictures and text of the Commentary. The best manuscripts, are in fact those by Magius, Emeterius, Senior and Ovecus, from Zamora, Leon and Palencia. Particularly outstanding are the texts known as the Pierpont Morgan, conserved in New York, and the Valcavado, kept in Valladolid, not simply because they are among the dozen or so best Beatus copies than because they belong the same group as the Seu de Urgell copy. The similarities between the Urgell and Valcavado versions are so strong that it is possible to advance that they must have been produced in the same scriptorium. How did this magnificent manuscript come to the Diocese of Urgell? We know from an inventory of the Seo de Urgell library that it was in the area of the Pyrenees in 1147 already. There was a strong connection between the Counts of Urgell and Alfonso VI and his descendants. Armengol V (1092-1102) married Mary, daughter of Count Pedro Ansúrez, the founder of Valladolid. The Count was from Castile but governed Urgell during the minority of his grandson, Armengol VI. It is quite probable that the book was a gift from Armengol V to St. Otto, bishop, and subsequently patron of the town, who began the building of today's cathedral. The manuscript consists of 239 folios, 7 numbered in Roman numerals, 232 in Arabic, measuring 398 x 270 mm; several folios were removed at some time. The script is Round Visigothic, in two columns. Although there is no colophon and we do not therefore know the exact date of completion, it would appear from the evidence of the script and illuminations to have been completed shortly after 970, like the Valcavado manuscript. The Urgell text contains 79 miniatures, some of which extend over two folios, with a number of others in the medallions of the genealogical trees which appear at the beginning. The style is very much that of the Mozarabic miniaturist tradition associated with Leon: strong colours, bold and vivid, in themselves a major challenge to facsimile reproduction; simplified drawings, reduced to essentials; the representation of people and objects throughout, and the use of superimposed coloured strips to achieve a degree of perspective. Il codice è composto di 239 numerati alla romana e 232 in arabo,la scrittura è carattere visigoticarotonda ripartita in due colonne - contiene 79 miniature di cui alcune occupano due fogli.La tecnica pittorica si inserisce nel quadro della miniatura morarabica della Regione del Leon.La misura è di 398 x 270 mm. mentre il volume di commentario è affidato a Peter K.Klein in lingua Spagnola e tedesca .I due Volumi costano Euro 8.900,00.- Size: 398 x 270 Mm.

Luigi De Bei (Italy) Via
Don Quixote (El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Segunda Parte del Ingenioso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha) (2 volume set)
Publisher: Testimonio Compania... Date published: 2005

Deluxe Limited Edition. Number 914 of 930 unreserved copies (980 total). Very rare. A fine, beautifully crafted, two-volume facsimile set of the 1605 edition in the Biblioteca de la Real Academia Espanola. Text in Spanish. Volume one is bound in full brown faux leather decorated in gilt on the spine; volume two is bound in vellum, mixed bindings as originally issued in 1605. Hardcover. Octavo. 15.5 x 21 cm. 317; 280 pp. Extremely scarce; this being the only one on the market for many years. A stunning collector's edition.

Grinning Cat Books (USA) Via
Libro De Horas De Los Médicis ( Sec.XVI )
Juana Hidalgo Ogayar Publisher: Testimonio Compania... Date published: 2000 Format: Hardcover

Libro de Horas de Los Médicis ( S.XVI ) Facsimile di 360 pagine e commentario a cura di Juana Hidalgo Ogayar ( Prof.di Storia dell'Arte dell'Università di Alcalà de Henares ) i due volumi sono uniti in un cofanetto con lente di ingrandimento (omaggio) - l'insieme Euro 1.750,00.- Il Manoscritto originale è conservato presso la " Fondazione Lazaro Galdiano " in Madrid - l'opera è attribuita a tre miniatori : Boccardino il Giovane/Boccardino il Vecchio e Stefano di Tomaso tutti atti presso la Corte Papale di Leone X.La scrittura del codice è in stile romano utilizzando il latino.-Testimonio, Madrid. Hardcover. Condizione libro: New. In Renaissance Italy, the family dynasties governing the various citystates cultivated a tradition of literary and artistic patronage. In Florence, there was the Medici family, among whom Cosimo the Elder (?1464) , his son Piero (?1469) and his grandson Lorenzo the Magnificent (?1492) were the most distinguished patrons of the arts. The return to power of the family after the Republican period (1498-512) led to the rebirth of the artistic and intellectual movement begun the previous century. In an attempt to bring about a new "Golden Age", the family organized cultural festivals where the Medici emblems of the 15th century featured prominently: a diamond with the inscription "Semper" symbolizing the strength and immortality of the Medicis, alongside three or four interlocking rings and three feathers (for faith, hope and charity) ; a laurel branch ("broncone") which came to be the most powerful symbol of the restoration of the Medici dynasty; and a circle enclosing the inscription "glovis" (gloria, laus, honor, victoria, iustitia and sapientia). This Book of Hours is written in Latin in the Roman style. It measures 6 by 4 cm. And is composed of 26 folded sheets with endpapers, and board binding covered in black leather. The texts are written in rounded dassical script in red and black ink. Eleven pages are decorated with miniatures or with miniatures and ornamental borders, while sixteen pages just have ornamental borders. The initial letters are also decorated. Judging from the style of the miniatures and the decorative motifs adorning the borders, we attribute the Book of Hours of Lorenzo the Younger and Madeleine de la Tour to Boccardino the Elder, Boccardino the Younger, and Stefano di Tommaso. The book is today conserved in the library of the Lázaro Galdiano Foundation in Madrid. This particular codex was a wedding gift from Pope Leo X (the uncle of Lorenzo II) to the young couple, in keeping with a long-standing tradition of presenting this kind of book to newlyweds. The study of this work was commissioned from Dr. Juana Hidalgo Ogayar. Codice libro della libreria 001524 Size: 40 x 60 Mm

Luigi De Bei (Italy) Via
El códice Tudela y el Grupo Magliabechiano : la tradición medieval europea de copia de códices en América.
BATALLA ROSADO, Juan José et al Publisher: Testimonio Compañía... Date published: 2002

Madrid: Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2002. Hardcover — Tapa dura. 245x170mm. (9¾x6¾").. Madrid, Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2002. En 4º (245 x 170)mm. 470 pp., (8) h., láminas e ilustraciones a color. Encuadernación en tela editorial. Primera edición de mucha estima. Reproducción facsimilar del códice original manuscrito de 1540, conservado en el Museo de América en Madrid. El Códice Tudela es un libro realizado a mediados del siglo XVI en el Centro de México. En su confección se unieron tres tipos distintos de obras. En primer lugar, hacia 1540 pintores indígenas se encargaron de plasmar la información sobre la religión mexica mediante imágenes y glifos de escritura logosilábica (Libro Indígena). En segundo lugar, en 1553-54 un glosador-comentarista se ocupó de escribir el comentario explicativo de las escenas representadas (Libro Escrito Europeo). Finalmente, en tercer lugar, después de 1554, se añadió una tercera parte que recogía diversos retratos de indígenas y la sección del Templo Mayor, llevados a cabo por un artista muy influenciado por la cultura occidental (Libro Pintado Europeo).

Librería José Porrúa Turanzas (ESP) Via
Decreto constitucional para la libertad de la América Mexicana : Sancionado en Apatzingán a 22 de octubre de 1814
Publisher: LXI Legislatura... Date published: 2010

España, LXI Legislatura Cámara de Diputados/ Archivo General de la Nación/ Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2010En 8vo. 2 vol.volumen 1: 68 pp., facsímile: 32 pp. El estudio encuadernado en rústica, y el facsímile en pasta dura en piel completa. Ambos en una caja de tela hecha a medida. El primer volumen inicia con una presentación de César Olmos Pieri, fundador de Testimonio Compañía Editorial; le sigue un prólogo del Consejo Editorial de la XLI Legislatura de la Cámara de Diputados, después una introducción a cargo de Armando Mauricio Escobar Olmedo, coordinador de la edición, y finalmente un estudio preliminar de Rafael Estrada Michel, académico de la Escuela Libre de Derecho. El segundo volumen es propiamente la edición facsimilar del Decreto, tomado del ejemplar que existe en el Archivo General de la Nación de la ciudad de México, y completado en sus páginas faltantes con las que facilitó el Archivo de la Universidad de Texas, en Austin.Edición conmemorativa del centenario del inicio de la guerra de Independencia en México, limitada a 1870 ejemplares, siendo este el no. 309.

Grupo Editorial Rosa Maria Porrua (MEX) Via
José María Álvarez Romero (Socio fundador de AIETI) Publisher: Testimonio Compañía... Date published: 2006

Testimonio Compañía Editorial, 2006. Tapa dura. No seleccionado. Testimonio Compañía Editorial. Primera edición, 2006. Biografías y memorias. Economía. Empresa. 195 páginas salpicadas con profusión de fotografías b/n. 31 x 21. Tela editorial tapa dura de editorial ilustrada. Como nuevo. ISBN: 8486920996