BookGilt - Search results - Title: v-s-naipauls-journeys

In Russian. Short description: Appun, K.F. Pod tropikami: Stranstvovanie po Venesuele. [Beneath the Tropics: Journey through Venezuela, the Orinoco, British Guiana, and the Amazon from 1845 to 1868]. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Association for Public Benefits, 1873. First edition. The book has not been reprinted. Karl Ferdinand Appun (1820-1872) was a German traveler and explorer of South America. In 1849 he was sent to Venezuela to study the natural resources of this country. After spending 10 years in Venezuela, Appun was in British Guiana and neighboring regions of Brazil in 1860-1868. In 1868-1871, Appun was in Germany, where he was engaged in the systematization and processing of materials he had collected in Brazil and Venezuela. During this time, he published a large number of articles on Indians and botanical research on the Guiana Plateau and the Amazonian jungle in various scientific journals, as well as the book Beneath the Tropics: Journey through Venezuela, Orinoco, British Guiana and the Amazon in 1849-1868. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000458 kn_nat.
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biblioaxes (USA)
In Russian. Short description: Appun, K.F. Pod tropikami: Stranstvovanie po Venesuele. [Beneath the Tropics: Journey through Venezuela, the Orinoco, British Guiana, and the Amazon from 1845 to 1868]. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Association for Public Benefits, 1873. First edition. The book has not been reprinted. Karl Ferdinand Appun (1820-1872) was a German traveler and explorer of South America. In 1849 he was sent to Venezuela to study the natural resources of this country. After spending 10 years in Venezuela, Appun was in British Guiana and neighboring regions of Brazil in 1860-1868. In 1868-1871, Appun was in Germany, where he was engaged in the systematization and processing of materials he had collected in Brazil and Venezuela. During this time, he published a large number of articles on Indians and botanical research on the Guiana Plateau and the Amazonian jungle in various scientific journals, as well as the book Beneath the Tropics: Journey through Venezuela, Orinoco, British Guiana and the Amazon in 1849-1868. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000458 kn_nat.
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biblioaxes (USA)